Uzair Mansuri


Imagine you're in a cozy coffee shop. The smell of coffee fills the air, promising a much-needed break from the hustle outside.

qr code for payments main

You order your favorite brew, realizing you've left your wallet at home. Panic sets in… but then you spot a QR code at the counter, a beacon of modern convenience.

With a simple scan of that QR code using your smartphone, you can pay through your digital wallet.

What changes?

A new alternative to traditional cashless methods like credit and debit cards that can even make international money transfers.

QR codes help overcome challenges such as payment methods like-

  • Transaction Fees
  • Hygiene Concerns
  • Technical Failures
  • Accessibility Limitations
  • Physical Wear and Tear, etc.

Against this backdrop, QR code payments are rising globally, especially in Asia and Africa.

What is a QR Code?

A QR code, or Quick Response code, is a two-dimensional barcode that can store various information, from URLs to payment instructions, within its black and white squares. Such a code is designed for quick readability and high storage capacity that can scanned using smartphones or dedicated QR scanning devices.

what is a qr code

There are two major types of QR codes.

Static QR codes

Static QR codes encode information directly into the code itself. Once created, the information cannot be changed or updated. They're often used for fixed information, such as a link to a restaurant's menu, a Wi-Fi network password, or contact details.

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR codes work by encoding a redirect URL into the QR code, which points to the actual information or links online. This allows owners to change or update the information behind the URL without altering the QR code itself. They are particularly useful for marketing campaigns, tracking and analytics, or any application where the information needs to be updated regularly.Here is a quick difference between the two

AspectStatic QR CodeDynamic QR Code
Content EditingIt cannot be edited; a new QR code is needed for updated information.It can be edited; the destination URL can be changed without altering the QR code.
TrackingNo tracking or analytics are available.Allows for tracking and analytics of scans.
UsageIdeal for permanent information or one-time use.Best for marketing, where information might need updates or tracking is desired.
CostUsually free to create and use.It may require a subscription for advanced features like tracking.

Evolution of QR codes

Initially developed in 1994 to enhance the efficiency of manufacturing processes, QR codes quickly outgrew their original purpose.

Before the QR code became one of the fast-growing digital payment trends, it was a universal tool for data sharing and transactions. Significant milestones in barcode technology set the stage for their development.

From the Universal Product Code (UPC) in the 1970s to the creation of QR codes in the 1990s, the evolution reflects a relentless pursuit of efficiency and versatility in data encoding.

Here's a brief look at the pivotal phases in this evolution, marking the transition from simple barcodes to the sophisticated, data-rich QR codes we rely on today. za

QR PhaseYearDetail
UPC Code1974Universal Product Code was first used for supermarket items.
Code 391974Alpha-numeric code used in non-food industries.
Code 491987Introduced for higher data capacity over Code 39.
Code 16k1990Further increased data capacity, targeting industrial applications.
QR Code1994Developed by Denso Wave for Toyota, it revolutionized data storage and transactions.

QR Code Standards for Payments

QR Code technology is pivotal in facilitating secure and efficient digital transactions. It operates within standards that ensure interoperability, security, and user trust.

EMVCo's QR code specification for payment systems is a critical standard in this domain, which plays a significant role, especially in secure payments.

EMVCo is a consortium with backing from major payment networks like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. This will help develop specifications to follow QR code standards for payment, which will secure QR-based payment solutions globally.

The EMV QR code specification for payment systems delineates two main types:

  • Merchant Presented QR Codes — allows consumers to scan a QR code displayed by the merchant to initiate a payment
  • Consumer Presented QR Codes — enables merchants to scan a QR code generated by the consumer's payment app.

The specifications include encryption, data integrity, and tokenization guidelines, essential for protecting sensitive information like card numbers and personal details.

How Does a QR Code Work for Payments?

A QR code acts as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds. It encodes information in a way that machines, particularly smartphones and tablets equipped with cameras, can decipher.

This process, especially when applied to payments, harnesses a sophisticated interplay of technology to offer a seamless transaction experience. But before exchanging payments, both parties must furnish the know-your-customer (KYC) documents. This will have third-party QR code apps implementing KYC solutions to confirm users’ identity by analyzing their identity documents online.

how does a qr code work for payments

Capturing the Code

The payment journey begins when a user opens a QR code payment app on their smartphone to scan a QR code, which could be used for a wide range of payment options, including making a PayPal payment or settling a retail purchase.

Modern smartphones can read QR codes from physical stickers and screens. Some applications use the camera to capture the image of the QR code, which encodes data such as a URL, a merchant's payment information, or a payment request.

Decoding the Data

Once captured, the app decodes the QR code.

This is the step where the QR code is scanned by interpreting the black and white squares to extract the encoded information. Here, there is direct instruction to initiate a payment, authenticate the credentials with a payment service, or data to create a QR code for payment in a peer-to-peer transaction.

QR code specifications for payment systems govern this process and ensure the information is interpreted correctly and securely.

Initiating the Transaction

After decoding the data, the app proceeds to initiate the payment.

If the QR code is merchant-presented, the app will typically redirect the user to a payment gateway or interface, pre-filled with the merchant's payment details and the transaction amount.

There are also consumer-presented codes, where the merchant's device scans the code displayed by the customer's app, receiving the payment information directly.

Additional security measures, such as entering the PIN or biometric verification, can also authorize the transaction.

Completing the Payment

Finally, the transaction is processed through a payment gateway, which securely transfers funds from the customer's account to the merchant's.

Here, the gateway communicates with two parties to complete the payment

  • The customer's bank or digital wallet provider and
  • Merchant's bank.

Once the transaction is authorized and processed, both parties receive confirmation, marking the completion of the payment process.

What Will Be the Future of QR Codes for Cashless Payments?

QR codes' future for cashless payments is promising and poised for exponential growth and innovation.

These two-dimensional barcodes are becoming integral to the global financial transaction landscape, promising a blend of convenience, security, and inclusivity. Here's what the future holds:

Global Adoption and Growth

Asia's Leading Edge: China's QR code transactions are expected to exceed $2 trillion by 2025, and India's UPI system showcases over 3 billion transactions in a month in 2021. This shows that Asia remains forefront of adopting QR codes for cashless payments.

Emerging Markets Catching Up: Africa and Latin America are witnessing rapid adoption, driven by the need for accessible financial services, with platforms like M-Pesa facilitating this growth.

Uptake in Western Economies: In the United States, the adoption of QR code payments is projected to increase 16 million users from 2022 to 2025, reflecting a growing acceptance of this technology in everyday transactions.

The Future of Adoption

Wider Accessibility: Future trends indicate a movement towards universal acceptance, where QR codes could become a standard payment method globally, bridging urban and rural divides.

Integration with IoT and Smart Devices: Integrating QR codes with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and smart technologies could make QR payments part of a connected ecosystem, offering seamless payment experiences in smart cities and homes.

Enhanced User Experience: Innovations in QR code technology will likely focus on enhancing security and user convenience, making transactions faster, more secure, and more intuitive.

Innovation and Inclusivity

QR codes stand at the intersection of technology and finance, heralding a future where cashless payments are:

More Secure: Continuous improvements in encryption and fraud prevention technologies make QR code payments safer for users and businesses.

Universally Inclusive: By facilitating low-cost implementation and ease of use, QR codes are essential in driving financial inclusion, reaching unbanked populations, and simplifying transactions for everyone.

Environmentally Friendly: As digital alternatives to physical cash and cards, QR codes also reduce the environmental impact of traditional payment methods.

Mobile Internet Access and Financial Literacy Impact on QR Code Adoption

This technology offers simplicity and efficiency, which is set to change and redefine how payments are made in a global economy. Especially with the agency banking solutions for banks, the banking agents can penetrate the use of QR-based payment in remote areas, beyond tier-2 and tier-3 cities.

Here's how the future of QR codes for cashless payments is shaping up, broken down into key points:

Inclusive Financial Services: QR codes are an entry point into the financial system for unbanked and underbanked populations. In countries where traditional banking infrastructure is scarce or non-existent, QR codes coupled with mobile internet access present an alternative, enabling access to essential financial services.

Customized Financial Solutions: Access to mobile internet enables data collection on consumer behavior. Financial literacy helps consumers understand and navigate these personalized offerings, leading to more informed financial decisions.

Customized Financial Solutions: Mobile internet access enables data collection on consumer behavior. This will help tailor financial products and services, including QR code payment options. Financial literacy helps consumers understand and navigate these personalized offerings, leading to more informed financial decision

Overall, the trajectory of QR codes in cashless payments is marked by innovation, integration, and inclusivity. As technology advances and global internet access improves, QR codes are set to redefine the payment experience further.

How Businesses Can Use QR Codes?

QR codes have emerged as a versatile tool for businesses across various sectors, streamlining operations and enhancing customer experience.

Here's how businesses in the restaurant, retail, and service sectors can leverage QR codes to their advantage:

Usage in Restaurants

usage in restaurants

Payments and Orders : Restaurants can create a QR code for payment that customers can scan to access digital menus, place orders, and even make payments directly from their tables. Implementing a QR code payment app for transactions can further streamline the dining experience, making it more efficient and hygienic.

Loyalty Programs : Restaurants can encourage repeat business once they develop an integrated QR code linked to a loyalty program. Customers can easily join by scanning the QR code, and each visit can be automatically logged through QR code scans, simplifying reward tracking and redemption.

Adaption by Retail Stores

adaption by retail stores

Payment and Checkout : Once you know how to generate a QR code for payment at checkout points, offer the same to help customers complete purchases without physical cards or cash.

Product Information and Reviews : Retail stores can place QR codes on shelf tags or product labels where customers can scan those codes to get detailed product information, user reviews, demonstration videos, etc.

Leveraging by Service Providers

leveraging by service providers

Appointment Booking and Check-ins : Service providers like salons or clinics can use QR codes to manage appointments and check-ins. For example, customers can scan a QR code to book a slot or check in for their appointment, minimizing wait times and improving service efficiency.

Payment for Services : Facilitate seamless transactions by offering QR codes for cashless payment. This involves setting up a system to create a QR code for payment that customers can scan to pay for rendered services.

Marketing and Customer Engagement: Leveraging QR Codes

The use case of QR codes transcends beyond monetary transactions enabling marketers to leverage customer engagement strategies.

For instance, businesses can use QR codes to foster loyalty programs, targeted promotions, and personalized offers that enhance customer experience.

Here's how businesses can use QR codes to engage customers effectively.

Onboarding for Loyalty : A coffee can create a QR code displayed at the checkout counter and on receipts. Customers scan this code to instantly join the loyalty program, automatically registering their purchase history and earning points towards free drinks or discounts.

Reward Redemption : A retail store develops an integrated QR code system within its app. When customers make a purchase, they scan a QR code at the point of sale to apply their loyalty points and redeem rewards instantly.

Event-based Offers : During the holiday season, a boutique sends out postcards with a QR code that, upon scanning, can unlock exclusive holiday discounts on select products.

Location-based Deals : A restaurant chain uses QR codes placed in specific locations within a city. Scanning the QR code provides special offers tailored to the location, such as discounts on local favorites and driving foot traffic to the restaurant.

Feedback-Driven Discounts : After dining, customers are given a receipt with a QR code linking to a feedback form. Upon submission, they receive a personalized offer for their next visit based on feedback like discounts, etc.

Birthday Rewards : A beauty store's loyalty app sends a notification with a QR code to customers during their birthday month. Scanning the code reveals a personalized gift or discount, enhancing customer loyalty through personalized appreciation.

Multi-Purpose Checkout : A grocery store's self-checkout will require users to know how a QR code works for payment. It prompts customers to scan their loyalty program QR code within the same app.

Social Media Exclusive Offers : A fashion brand posts a QR code on its social media that, when scanned, allows for immediate purchase of an exclusive line.

Challenges: Are QR Codes a Safe Payment Method?

QR codes have revolutionized transacting, offering a seamless bridge between physical and digital payment realms.

However, there are concerns about the safety of QR code payments.

A survey found more than 60,000 samples of QR codes were attacked in the third quarter of 2023. Therefore, it is best to understand these risks and adhere to safe practices and regional regulations.

Real-world Examples of Scams and Vulnerabilities

Scammers have exploited QR codes to divert unsuspecting users to phishing sites, steal personal information, or unknowingly initiate fraudulent payments.


A common scam involves placing a fraudulent QR code over a legitimate one in public places. The scammer then directs payments to his or her account instead of the intended recipient.

QR Scams

Parking Meter QR Code Scams: In various cities worldwide, scammers have placed stickers with fraudulent QR codes on public parking meters. Unsuspecting drivers scanned these codes, thinking they were paying using QR codes for parking, but the payments were directed to the scammers' accounts instead.

Fake QR Codes on ATMs and Public Utilities: Another tactic involves placing fake QR codes on ATMs or public utility payment kiosks. People scanning these codes in an attempt to pay bills or withdraw cash were directed to phishing websites designed to harvest their banking details and personal information. The FBI issued a warning in 2021 about the rise in these scams, indicating the significant threat they pose, though specific loss amounts were not detailed.

Importance of Safe Practices

Adopts the following safe practices to bring down the risks that are associated with QR code payments.

importance  of  safe  practices

Verifying Payment Links: Check the URL after scanning a QR code for payment to ensure it redirects to the legitimate site. Apps that create a QR code for PayPal payment or other secure QR codes for payment options should have the necessary safety measures to add an extra layer of security.

Avoiding Suspicious Codes: Remain cautious when scanning QR codes for payment. Pampered codes or those presenting unsolicited communications should be avoided when using QR codes for payment.

Regional Regulations and Security Standards

To enhance the security of QR-based payment systems, various regions have implemented regulations and standards:

QR Code Specification for Payment Systems: There are standards that provide a framework for the QR code. EMVCo is one standard that outlines encryption, data integrity, and more requirements. This means anyone developing an integrated QR code for payment solutions must consider these QR code specifications for payment systems for compatibility and security.

Regional Regulations: Different countries have specific guidelines and regulations on using QR codes for payments. For instance, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has guidelines on using QR codes for payments for interoperability and security. Such regulations help protect consumers and promote the safe adoption of QR-based payment solutions.

QR Code App Development: The Importance of a Professional Team

Now that we know that QR codes for payment options are inevitable, some applications have become indispensable assets for facilitating seamless and secure transactions. Therefore, the role of the professional QR code app development team is more crucial than ever.

Here’s why:

Emphasize Security

Data Encryption: A professional development team prioritizes the security of user data through robust encryption methods. Encrypting data transmitted via QR codes, especially when creating QR codes for payment or developing an integrated QR code system, safeguards sensitive information from interception and misuse.

Secure Payment Gateways: Secure payment gateways are essential in QR code app development. A professional QR app development company will ensure that the app supports reputable gateways that adhere to QR code specifications for payment systems and standards, minimizing financial fraud risk.

Vulnerability Testing: Regular vulnerability testing is essential to identify and address potential security loopholes. Professional developers conduct comprehensive testing across all stages of mobile application development, from initial design to post-launch, ensuring that the app remains secure against evolving cyber threats.

User Experience

Intuitive Interfaces: The success of a QR code app hinges on its ease of use. Professional developers design intuitive interfaces that simplify scanning QR codes and conducting transactions, enhancing the overall user experience.

Fast Scanning Speeds: Users expect quick and efficient scanning of QR codes, whether for accessing information or paying using QR codes. A professional team optimizes the app's scanning algorithm for speed, ensuring immediate response and minimal delays.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: A QR code app must function seamlessly across various devices and operating systems. Professional developers prioritize cross-platform compatibility, allowing users to access the app's features regardless of their device and enhancing its accessibility and user base.

Maintenance and Updates

Ongoing Security Updates: The digital landscape constantly evolves, with new security threats emerging regularly. Professional development teams commit to regular security updates, protecting the app against the latest vulnerabilities and ensuring users' data remains secure.

Bug Fixes: No app is immune to bugs, but timely identification and resolution of these issues set professional teams apart. Ongoing maintenance ensures the app operates smoothly, maintaining user trust and reliability.

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Challenges in QR Code Payment App Development

Developing a QR code payment app involves navigating many challenges. It requires a team with experience in fintech software development services. This ensures that the applications are secure and integrate smoothly with existing systems.

Here's a detailed look at these challenges:

Security Concerns and How Professional Teams Mitigate Risks

Due to the sensitive nature of financial transactions, security is a top priority when developing QR code payment apps. Professional teams employ several strategies to address and mitigate these risks, ensuring that user data and transactions are always protected.Here are some

Phishing and Fraudulent QR Codes: Professional teams implement in-app verification features to authenticate QR codes, safeguarding users against malicious codes designed to steal data or funds.

Data Breach and Privacy Issues: Encryption and secure payment gateways are fundamental. Developers ensure compliance with payment system specifications and QR code standards for payments that help protect user information.

Regular Security Audits: Through continuous vulnerability assessments and updates, professional teams keep the app fortified against emerging cyber threats, maintaining its integrity as a secure payment platform.

Integrating QR Code Technology with Existing Banking and Payment Systems

Integration challenges involve making the QR code payment app compatible and functional with the vast banking and payment systems ecosystem, ensuring smooth and secure transactions across different platforms.

Compatibility with Diverse Systems: Developers work to make QR code apps adaptable to various banking APIs and payment protocols, ensuring broad compatibility and seamless user experiences.

Maintaining Transaction Security: The integration process emphasizes maintaining high-security standards to protect transactions, aligning with global guidelines to ensure the safety of users' financial data.

Up-to-date Compliance: Staying compliant with the latest financial regulations is crucial. Development teams continuously update the app to meet legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring its operation within the bounds of financial law.

User Experience and Interface Design Challenges

The user experience is critical in encouraging the adoption and regular use of QR code payment apps. Professional development teams focus on designing interfaces that are intuitive, fast, and accessible to users across various devices and platforms.

Creating Intuitive User Interfaces: A key goal is to simplify the app’s interface, making it easy for users of all ages and tech-savviness levels to navigate, especially when performing actions like creating a QR code for payment.

Ensuring Fast and Reliable Scanning: Optimizing the app for rapid QR code scanning without sacrificing accuracy is essential for user satisfaction, necessitating advanced technical solutions.

Cross-platform Usability: The app must deliver a consistent and high-quality user experience. This requires developers to focus on design and development efforts that cater to a diverse user hardware and operating systems ecosystem.

Choosing the Right Development Team

Selecting the ideal QR app development team is crucial when creating or enhancing a QR code payment app.

Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing the QR app development team.

What to Look for in a Professional Team

When scouting for a team, prioritize those with a proven track record in developing QR-based payment solutions. Their portfolio should showcase expertise in creating secure, user-friendly apps that align with QR code specifications for payment systems and standards.

Ensure that the team you hire has experience developing apps that facilitate creating QR codes for payment or integrating QR codes for cashless payment options.

The Importance of a Collaborative Approach

A successful project hinges on effective collaboration between the development team and the client. Look for a team that values your input, understands your vision, and is committed to transforming it into a functional, market-ready product.

Such synergy ensures that the final app resonates with your target audience and meets your business objectives.

Key Considerations

Portfolio and Expertise: Review their past projects to gauge their experience with QR code payment apps, their innovation capacity, and their ability to tackle complex challenges.

Client Testimonials: Feedback from previous clients can offer insights into the team's reliability, responsiveness, and quality of work.

Post-development Support: Opt for a team that provides robust post-launch support, including regular updates, bug fixes, and security enhancements to keep the app competitive and secure.


QR code payment system development intersects innovation and practicality, where professional expertise becomes invaluable. These teams bring a blend of technical prowess, creative problem-solving, and a deep understanding of the digital payment ecosystem, ensuring that the QR code payment app meets current demands and is future-proofed against emerging trends and technologies.

Businesses looking to establish a presence in this new landscape need a reliable software development partner. A seasoned team of QR app developers is not just a step toward creating a payment solution but a leap in defining commerce's future.

Embrace the change, be a part of this exciting journey, and leverage the expertise of professional QR code app developers to unlock new possibilities for your business in the digital economy. The future is here, and it's coded in QR.

Looking to plunge into this growing economy of QR codes?

Let's connect to build a seamless QR payment app together for you.

Let’s Talk
Uzair Mansuri

CEO and Technology Expert

Uzair Mansuri, the visionary CEO of NNT Digital, is a dynamic leader in software development. With over 10 years of expertise in digital transformation consulting, he specializes in Healthcare , and Logistics.

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